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Wednesday Wisdom / Mindful Mondays
FREE Online Meet-up!

Terra Ramachandran
Founder and COO of The Net Momentum President and Co-author of Wednesday Wisdom 
Dush Ramachandran
President and CEO of The Net Momentum President and Co-author of Wednesday Wisdom 
Ky Sayer
Energy Agent at The Net Momentum and Author of Mindful Mondays 

Do you love our Mindful Monday and Wednesday Wisdom newsletters?

Wish you could have more personal interaction with us and a group of entrepreneurs who are on the same vibe?

Join us Friday, August 17th, from 9:00am-10:00am Pacific/12:00pm-1:00pm Eastern for our first LIVE online meet-up!

(and it’s totally FREE!)

No Selling.
No Agenda. 
No Credit Card Needed!
Just go into your weekend feeling more connected, more grounded, more energized, and more alive. Close out your week on a high note, and let it spill over into the following Monday!
This is a beta program we’re trying out to see how we can help you, our fellow entrepreneurs, find more grounding, connection, inner-peace, and kinship within our community.

This meet-up will NOT be recorded

Our goal is to create a room where you feel inspired and free to share without concern that your story will be viewed by people outside the space we create together. 

We hope you'll join us by video, but feel free to join with just audio if that's your preference.

We Believe
We believe that if you’ve answered the call to be an entrepreneur, you have a gift to give the world…
...and that gift can’t be fully manifested under the umbrella of a job or another business.
You have to do it on your own...your way...100% from your soul.
The trouble is...entrepreneurship is hard.
You stake everything from your personal reputation to your financial stability, on yourself and your idea.
The independence and creative freedom are empowering and exciting…
...but the weight of the risk and responsibility can create crushing anxiety, indecision, worry, and even panic and depression…
 ...making it impossible for you to create and build at the level you’re longing to...and at the level the world needs.
We’ve been through that school-of-hard-knocks…
...even repeated a few of the classes on occasion just for good measure ;)
It’s not fun.
In fact, it’s downright scary and it can feel incredibly lonely.
If we can use our experience and hard-won wisdom to help you ride the waves of entrepreneurship with more ease, more peace, more stability, more confidence, and more optimism

...well then...our pain, struggle, and ultimate triumph takes on a new purpose and meaning that makes our hearts sing!

This Meet-up is for you if...
  •  You’re an entrepreneur with so much to give, but you have trouble bringing out the magic that’s inside of you.
  •  You’re highly creative, and when you’re on fire, you’re ON FIRE...but you often get stuck in your head and spin on your ideas rather than taking action. 
  •  You get flashes of brilliance, but then your brain kicks in and tells you all the reasons why your idea won’t work, crushing your momentum. 
  •  You’re an entrepreneur who craves more connection with other people who get you, get what you’re trying to do in the world, and get how hard it is. 
  •  You’re an online entrepreneur who works mostly on your own, behind a computer screen and you often feel isolated and lonely. 
  •  Between hustling in your business and keeping up on the day-to-day demands of your personal life, you often feel depleted at the end of the day and you’re not even sure what makes you happy anymore. 
  •  You have your own practices that help you stay grounded and connected, but you love the energy that comes from being in a group and you want to contribute your own good vibrations to help others! 
  •  You’re not too sure about all this talk about the soul, grounding, connection, and energy, but you’re stuck and you can’t seem to figure your way out, like you usually do. 

We can't wait to see you there!

Terra, Dush, and Ky
P.S. We hope to make this interactive and create a lively discussion. Please be patient with us and the technology as we try this out for the first time!
P.P.S. Yes! You can join us even if you’re not an entrepreneur, yet as a creative, driven individual, you feel drawn to be part of this group.  
P.P.P.S. Thinking this sounds good, but not familiar with Wednesday Wisdom or Mindful Mondays? Check out some examples here… 

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