We believe that if you’ve answered the call to be an entrepreneur, you have a gift to give the world…
...and that gift can’t be fully manifested under the umbrella of a job or another business.
You have to do it on your own...your way...100% from your soul.
The trouble is...entrepreneurship is hard.
You stake everything from your personal reputation to your financial stability, on yourself and your idea.
The independence and creative freedom are empowering and exciting…
...but the weight of the risk and responsibility can create crushing anxiety, indecision, worry, and even panic and depression…
...making it impossible for you to create and build at the level you’re longing to...and at the level the world needs.
We’ve been through that school-of-hard-knocks…
...even repeated a few of the classes on occasion just for good measure ;)
It’s not fun.
In fact, it’s downright scary and it can feel incredibly lonely.
If we can use our experience and hard-won wisdom to help you ride the waves of entrepreneurship with more ease, more peace, more stability, more confidence, and more optimism…
...well then...our pain, struggle, and ultimate triumph takes on a new purpose and meaning that makes our hearts sing!